Best Frozen Mutton Shami Kebab in Vasundhara Ghaziabad

Best Frozen Mutton Shami Kebab in Vasundhara Ghaziabad

If you love to eat or want to grab a bite of mutton shami kebab then you can easily be able to prepare them at your home. You only have to buy the Best Frozen Mutton Shami Kebab in Vasundhara Ghaziabad from the Meat on Ice shop in Vasundhara GZB and then you can prepare them at your home in a simple and easy manner.

You only have to read this article till the end so that you can be able to know all the possible details and instructions about it in a simple and easy manner. 

Best Frozen Mutton Shami Kebab in Vasundhara Ghaziabad

Best Frozen Mutton Shami Kebab in Vasundhara Ghaziabad

Where to Buy Best Frozen Mutton Shami Kebab in Vasundhara Ghaziabad?

  • Frozen Ready to Eat Meat Shop
  • Plot Number: 822, Sector 1, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad
  • Open until 10:00 pm
  • Contact no. : +91-7827046520

Products Available on Meat on Ice Shop

About Frozen Mutton Shami Kebab

Mutton shami kebab is one of the famous appetizers in South Asian cuisine mainly in India and Pakistan. It is made up of a mixture of ground button, chana dal, and spices which will later be shaped into flat patties and gets fried or grilled. Here, we are going to share some interesting facts about the mutton shami kebab. 

  • Origin: Mutton shami kebab mainly originated in the Indian subcontinent and specifically in the region of Hyderabad. It is served as a snack or starter at the time of festive occasions and weddings. 
  • Ingredients: The major ingredients in Mutton shami kebab are ground mutton or also chana dal, lamb, and other spices like cumin, coriander, garam masala, and red chili powder. The chana dal gets soaked, cooked, and mashed before it gets added to the meat mixture which will provide a unique texture and flavor to the kebabs. 
  • Variations: There are lots of variations of the mutton shami kebabs in some of the recipes which also include additional ingredients like mint leaves, raw papaya, and eggs. Also, some of the versions will use chicken instead of mutton or lamb. 
  • Serving: Mutton shami kebab is mainly served with mint chutney or tamarind chutney and gets garnished with fresh coriander leaver. It can also be enjoyed as a snack, starter, or also as a main course with naan or roti. 
  • Nutritional Value: Mutton shami kebab is one of the best sources of protein and fiber because of the presence of the chana dal. It is so high in fat and calories because of the grilling and frying. In terms of making it healthy, you can simply try to grill the kebabs instead of frying them or use leaner cuts of meat. 

In simple terms, mutton shami kebab is one of the most flavorful and popular appetizers in South Asian cuisine. With its unique texture and also lots of spices, there is no wonder why it will become a favorite among all the food lovers in the world. 

What is the Traditional Method for Cooking Mutton Shami Kebab?

The traditional method to cook the mutton shami kabab mainly involves the following steps:

  • You have to soak the chana dal in the water for approxx. 2 hours or overnight. Now, drain the water and cook the dal with fresh water until it becomes tender and softer. 
  • In the large bowl, you have to mix the ground mutton or lamb together and cook the chana dal, chopped onion, ginger, garlic, and spices like cumin, coriander, garam masala, and red chilling powder. You have to add a little water to simply help the mixture bind together. 
  • By using your hands, you have to knead the mixture until it will become smooth and consistent. Simply cover the bowl with plastic wrap and leave it in the refrigerator for an hour to simply allow the flavors to meld together. 
  • You have to share the mixture into the flat, round pattier for approx. 2-3 inches in diameter. 
  • You need to heat some of the oil into the frying pan or griddle on medium heat and when the oil gets hot then you have to add the kebabs and simply fry or grill them until they become golden brown on both sides and flip them over as required. 
  • When the kebabs get cooked then you have to remove them from the pan and then simply place them on the plate which is lined with a paper towel to simply absorb any of the excess oil. 
  • Simply garnish the kebabs with fresh coriander leaves and then simply serve them with the hot mint chutney or the tamarind chutney. 

The traditional method to cook mutton shami kabab mainly involves the mixing of the ground meat with the cooked chana dal and spices and shaping the mixture into patties and frying or grilling them until they become golden brown and cooked well. 

How Do You Make the Kebab Mixture Smooth and Consistent?

In terms of making the kebab mixture smooth and consistent, you are required to simply follow the steps which we are sharing below. 

  • You have to start by simply using ground meat which has been ground to a fine texture. If the meat is not fine then it may give a lumpy kebab mixture. 
  • Soak the chana dal in the water for at least 2 hours or for the whole night. Drain the water and then cook the dal in the freshwater until it becomes soft and tender. Ensure to cook the dal until it becomes soft so that it will get smashed easily and blend properly with the meat. 
  • When the chana dal gets cooked then drain any of the excess water and simply mash it properly with the fork or the potato masher until it creates a smooth paste. It helps the dal to mix better with the meat. 
  • In the large mixing bowl, you are required to combine the cooked and mashed chana dal with the ground meat and chopped onion garlic, and spices like cumin, coriander, garam masala, and red chili powder. 
  • You have to mix the ingredients together by using your hands and ensure that the mixture is combined properly. If the mixture is dry then you have to add a little water to bind it together. If the mixture is so wet then you have to add some flour or breadcrumbs to simply help to absorb the excess moisture. 
  • You have to knead the mixture for a few minutes until it becomes smooth. It helps to distribute the flavor and create a uniform texture. 
  • You have to cover the bowl with plastic wrap and leave it in the refrigerator for an hour to allow the flavors to simply meld together. 

So, by following these easy and simple steps, you can be able to get a smooth and consistent kebabs mixture that gives you delicious textured mutton shami kebabs at your home. 

How Do You Know When The Kebabs Are Cooked All The Way Through?

One of the best methods to know when kebabs are cooked is by using the meat thermometer to check out the internal temperature of the meat. The safest temperature for most meats like chicken and lamb is 165°F (74°C).

In terms of using the meat thermometer, you need to insert the probe into the thickest part of the meat and then ensure to avoid any bones or gristle. You have to wait for the temperature to stabilize which generally takes a few seconds and then you have to check out the temperature. 

If you don’t have a meat thermometer then you can simply check out the doneness of the meat by simply cutting it with a sharp knife. The meat needs to be cooked all the way with no pink or red areas. The juices also need to run clear, not pink or bloody. It is really important for you to cook the kebabs thoroughly to simply avoid the risk of foodborne illness.


So, we hope that you have understood the complete details and guide about how to cook frozen mutton shami kabab at home. You are also able to buy the Best Frozen Mutton Shami Kebab in Vasundhara Ghaziabad from the Meat on Ice shop which we have adhered to above.

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