
How to Make Paneer Salad at Home?

Paneer is one of the best ingredients that can easily be transformed into a delightful and nutritious salad because of its mild and creamy texture. It is perfect for a light lunch and also for a refreshing side dish or for a healthy snack. Homemade panner salad simply allows you to easily enjoy the goodness of the fresh ingredients which are combined with the rich taste of the paneer. So, here in this article, we are going to talk about a simple recipe by which you can be able to make paneer salad at home. 

How to Make Paneer Salad at Home?

How to Make Paneer Salad at Home?

You can easily be able to create this tasty and healthy panner salad at home by simply following this detailed guide. Keep an eye on it to know the complete process about it.

Where to Buy the Paneer Salad in Vasundhara Ghaziabad?


What Ingredients Are Required to Make Paneer Salat at Home?

Here we are going to share the complete list of the ingredients that are required to make paneer salat at home in a simple and easy manner. 

  • Paneer: You can start with 200-250 grams of fresh paneer which are cubed into bite-sized pieces. Paneer’s mild taste and creamy texture will simply form an excellent base for the salad. 
  • Assorted Vegetables: You can also opt for the colourful mixture of vegetables to simply add vibrancy and nutrition. Some of the best options like cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers and red onions. Simply chop them into small pieces. 
  • Leafy Greens: You can also add fresh leafy greens like spinach, arugula or lettuce as well. These greens will simply enhance the nutritional content and also add up the crisp to the salad as well. 
  • Chaat Masala: You can add up the dash of chaat masala to get the tangy and spicy flavour. Also, you can adjust the quantity as per your taste preferences. 
  • Roasted Cumin Powder: You can also sprinkle ½ teaspoon of roasted cumin powder to simply impart the warm and earthy aroma to the salad. 
  • Fresh Lemon Juice: Simply squeeze the lemon juice to add the zesty and citrusy kick into the salad. 
  • Olive Oil: Also, drizzle the 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil to get a light and healthy dressing. 
  • Salt and Pepper: You can season the salad with salt and pepper to taste and also ensure a well-balanced flavour profile. 
  • Fresh Herbs: You can use finely chopped fresh herbs such as cilantro or mint to elevate the freshness of the salad. 

How to Make Paneer Salad at Home?

Now, we are going to talk about the steps that you need to follow to simply create or make paneer salad at home in a simple and easy manner. 

  • Prepare the Paneer: First of all, you have to take a non-stick pan and saute the paneer cubes light until they create a golden brown colour on the edges. It will simply enhance the paneer’s texture and also give the natural flavours. 
  • Chop Vegetables: You have to wash and chip the assorted vegetables into small, bite-sized pieces. Also, ensure uniformity in size for the appealing presentation. 
  • Mix Leafy Greens: Take a large mixing bowl and combine the leafy greens with the chopped vegetables. Simply toss them properly to create a colourful and nutritious base for the salad. 
  • Add Paneer: You have to fold in the sauteed paneer cubes and ensure that they are distributed evenly throughout the salad. 
  • Prepare Dressing: Take a separate bowl and whisk together the olive oil and lemon juice, chaat masala, roasted cumin powder, salt and pepper. You have to adjust the seasoning according to your taste. 
  • Drizzle Dressing: Simply pour the dressing on the salad and toss it gently to coat the ingredients along with the flavorful dressing. 
  • Garnish With Fresh Herbs: You need to sprinkle the freshly chopped herbs on the salad as the finishing touch. With herbs will add a burst of flavor and also enhance the complete freshness of the dish. 
  • Chill and Serve: Simply refrigerate the paneer salad for 15-20 minutes before serving. It will simply allow the flavour to meld and also add the salad to get served refreshingly cold. 

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Final Verdict

Making the paneer salad at home gives you a culinary experience that will combine the goodness of fresh vegetables with the rich and creamy texture of the paneer. Along with the burst of the flavours of chaat masala, roasted cumin powder and zesty dressing, the salad becomes a delicious and visual treat as well. 

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